1 00:00:00,510 --> 00:00:06,990 Acceptance, the second core feature of mindful awareness is acceptance, which means opening to our 2 00:00:06,990 --> 00:00:09,180 experience as it unfolds. 3 00:00:09,780 --> 00:00:16,410 After a couple miserable nights, Joan realized he needed a new perspective on his daughter's bedtime. 4 00:00:16,830 --> 00:00:20,010 The next night, he decided to try a different approach. 5 00:00:20,430 --> 00:00:22,890 What if he let the night play out? 6 00:00:22,890 --> 00:00:24,300 However it was going to? 7 00:00:24,630 --> 00:00:27,560 It's not like his resistance made things better. 8 00:00:27,780 --> 00:00:30,720 It was making him frustrated toward his baby. 9 00:00:30,720 --> 00:00:38,250 Every night, he resolved to do his best to help her fall asleep and to release his fierce attachment 10 00:00:38,250 --> 00:00:40,650 to controlling exactly when that happened. 11 00:00:43,110 --> 00:00:51,090 The first time his daughter began to cry, Joan took a calming breath before going into her room and 12 00:00:51,120 --> 00:00:55,540 instead of telling himself, I hate this or this is ridiculous. 13 00:00:55,920 --> 00:00:58,830 He thought, this is what's happening right now. 14 00:00:59,190 --> 00:01:03,180 Then he took stock of what that statement actually meant. 15 00:01:03,390 --> 00:01:08,970 He was standing by the crib of his baby girl, whom he loved more than words. 16 00:01:09,270 --> 00:01:14,430 He was patting her tiny back, which was the size of his hand. 17 00:01:14,780 --> 00:01:17,550 He could hear her breathing begin to slow. 18 00:01:17,850 --> 00:01:23,580 He realized how in that moment he had no real complaint about anything. 19 00:01:23,880 --> 00:01:27,090 He wasn't cool, hungry, thirsty or in danger. 20 00:01:27,360 --> 00:01:29,100 His daughter was healthy. 21 00:01:29,340 --> 00:01:31,160 She just wasn't asleep yet. 22 00:01:31,440 --> 00:01:34,890 Maybe things were exactly as they ought to be. 23 00:01:37,830 --> 00:01:42,150 John's example reveals important natural response of mindful acceptance. 24 00:01:42,480 --> 00:01:47,010 First, it doesn't mean we stop having preferences for how things go. 25 00:01:47,400 --> 00:01:54,450 Of course, John still wanted his baby to fall asleep quickly and easily and wanted to have more of 26 00:01:54,450 --> 00:01:57,090 the evening to himself to unwind. 27 00:01:57,480 --> 00:02:06,060 Accepting meant holding those preferences more likely and not assuming his daughter was doing something 28 00:02:06,060 --> 00:02:10,230 wrong by not being asleep when he wanted her to be. 29 00:02:10,620 --> 00:02:17,880 Accordingly, Joan didn't throw in the towel and stop following the bedtime routine he had agreed on 30 00:02:18,180 --> 00:02:22,350 to transition their baby to falling asleep on her own in her crib. 31 00:02:22,740 --> 00:02:30,750 He stuck to his plan, offering predictability and consistency while recognizing that he couldn't control 32 00:02:30,750 --> 00:02:31,700 his daughter's sleep. 33 00:02:32,160 --> 00:02:39,720 When we stop fighting against the way things are, we leave an enormous portion of our stress earlier 34 00:02:39,720 --> 00:02:40,720 in my career. 35 00:02:40,740 --> 00:02:47,730 I had a very difficult supervisor, and I often found myself tied up in my thoughts as I tried to make 36 00:02:47,730 --> 00:02:50,640 sense of how unreasonable she was. 37 00:02:50,910 --> 00:02:56,860 Finally, I reached a point of accepting that she could just be difficult, period. 38 00:02:57,030 --> 00:03:04,560 My acceptance didn't change her behavior, but it did free me from acting as if she were doing something 39 00:03:04,560 --> 00:03:05,230 surprising. 40 00:03:05,490 --> 00:03:07,740 She was simply being true. 41 00:03:07,740 --> 00:03:15,030 To form a crucial part of acceptance is that it lets us respond appropriately to the facts in front 42 00:03:15,030 --> 00:03:15,370 of us. 43 00:03:16,080 --> 00:03:22,920 My acceptance of my boss temperament made it clear to me that I needed to find work elsewhere, which 44 00:03:22,920 --> 00:03:26,590 underscores the distinction between acceptance and apathy.